Founded in 2012, Operation Jesus is a volunteer organization that provides food, clothing, and care to homeless men, women and children in Chicago. To date, Operation Jesus has mobilized over 300 volunteers and donors from all different backgrounds, and partnered with dozens of businesses and organizations to serve those in need (Photo credit: Jonathan Arciniega, CULTIVATE EXCELLENCE Jr. Media Digital Intern). By: Linda E. Alberty, M.A. ![]() The next time you think your vision, idea, or individual contribution is too small or too insignificant to impact change on any level, think again. We all have unique gifts and abilities that make us capable of walking in our purpose, and it is most often times connected to fulfilling a need around us. For me, it started back in December 2012. My heart always broke when I saw someone suffering from homelessness. And with the help of a few new friends, I decided to do something about it. We gathered sandwiches, cookies and blankets and piled in a car on Christmas Eve and headed toward downtown Chicago. Back then, it was a small, unorganized, and a chaotic attempt to make a difference. Today, however, Operation Jesus now lives up to its name: a full operation in Chicago that has attracted and mobilized over 300 volunteers in and out of Illinois over five years. This Palm Sunday, I had the incredible opportunity to witness a miracle in the making: our very first Spring event, drawing another new 50 volunteers who found us online or through our partner organizations. But that's not all ... Photo credit: Jonathan Arciniega, CULTIVATE EXCELLENCE Jr. Media Digital Intern
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